After being a guest artists at DD & MMN back in 2020 and a remixer for the premiere video series (Jeremiah Soft – Bronchiectasia) we now talk to Tallinn-based producer Nikolajev about his single ‘Dub Mulletts’ which appeared last year October on Sad Fun (the vinyl finally reaching Budapest last week).

MMN: What’s a mullet and what’s a dub mullet? 

Nikolajev: A mullet is a business-in-the-front-party-at-the-back kind of lifestyle. A dub mullet is my interpretation of that.

MMN: How come Nikolajev is into dub sounds? 

Nikolajev: I’ve been fascinated about dubbing and the manipulating / reshaping of samples of pre-recorded sounds in my work for a while, it’s just this particular release that got this flava on it. This was recorded in 2020.

I was living in Helsinki and it was peak lockdown season so I had moved my studio to my bedroom. I recorded a bunch of live skits and that day was particularly sunny & I smoked some, so ’’dub’’ seemed to fit the profile of the overall mood. Shout out to Dennis & Hank!!

MMN: Who is Kidega on side B?  

Nikolajev: Kidega is Dennis Okoth aka Denzel. Kidega is his middle name that I found out about when we were roommates. I was so intrigued about the name and begged him to start using it –  I had the chance to jumpstart it so I did, sorry Dennis! 

MMN: Sad Fun is a young but already diverse label from Estonia. What do you know about them? Any idea about the origin of Agassi in the logo? 

Nikolajev: The label head honchos are Kristopher Luigend and Roma Vjazemski, good friends of mine in Tallinn. I think the label started because Roma is a talented musician who makes a lot of great music and needs a platform. Kris on the other hand  is one of the best, if not theee best show-businessman and all around music lover that I know of. Both are big specialists in their fields haha. 

It’s a great shot of Agassi and he’s rocking a mullet. What’s not to love? You put 2 & 2 together and you get Sad Fun Dub Mullets. Big love to Johann 3000 for the design, one of the best out there! And of course Kris & Roma – you know how we do! 

MMN: Plans for the near future? Gigs? 

Nikolajev: I’m putting out a new Dima Disk record and will finish up the two following releases as Nikolajev. New Weak People LP coming out in November. Been hibernating and recording for a while now so down to get back out there and play shows so hit ya boy up! 

Questions asked by gammaw.