The bass music collective, Ghosttown, is a versatile project of 5 talented, young artists & DJs, namely Brootworth, Glen, Kelburrt, Rompa, and Sangeet. The guys seem to have a very do-it-all mindset, as they have 2 regular radio shows on Radio80k (Munich) and Res.Radio (Vienna), manage a label, write and release their own music, and perform often in Germany and Austria. We took a trip to Ghosttown with the Viennese bunch, Dario (Rompa) and Paul (Brootworth), to get to know them better before we welcome them in Budapest.

MMN: How did you guys meet and how did Ghosttown come to life?

Dario & Paul: Our whole team has been friends long before the name Ghosttown came up. The two of us even went to elementary school together. Growing up, we were always into all kinds of alternative music, as long as it was not the average club sound of that time. Eventually, we attended Outlook (festival taking place in the U.K and Croatia) a few years in a row and it became clear that we had to do something about the whole Munich situation. We set up some raves for our community and it completely went off. Like people started going nuts to this new music they never properly heard before. This genre-fluid approach to “U.K. Sound” was not being represented at all in Munich, and so we soon started carrying massive sound systems into small cellars. We had to come up with a name, started having our first guests over, and so on. It just started to grow naturally thanks to the massive support of our friends and the hunger of a young generation for fresh sounds.

MMN: Favorite club & festival in Europe?

D: Very hard question. I haven’t gone to a festival with the intention to party in ages but I
am looking forward to do so this summer. If I had to choose, I’d say Outlook but only for the musical inspiration and the role it had in our development.

MMN: What are your plans with the label?

D&P: Definitely letting it grow further. It is supposed to represent our own artists but we really want to work internationally as well and expand our network. Pushing the boundaries music-wise and never settling for a too specific sound. Seriously, we have some exciting things lined up for this year!

MMN: Some recent music you fancy?

D&P: Just everything that Henry Greenleaf does. Shouts going out.

MMN: Wien, München oder Leipzig?

D&P: Well, for the two of us, it’s Vienna, since we have been living comfortably there for quite some years now. But we really appreciate all of these cities, especially for our friends there. I feel like some things in Munich changed in recent years and some very good developments are being set in motion by a lot of great people.

MMN: Leberkäse oder Schnitzel?

D&P: Easy, Schnitzel.

Brootworth and Rompa are going to play an extended b2b set at our event, MMN invites Ghosttown, in Gólya on February 24. Get your tickets early.

Follow the guys at @rompa_gt & @brootworth & @ghosttownsound