Knödelcast 1 - Osztrák válogatás
Premierel a Knödelcast, új sorozatunk.
Premierel a Knödelcast, új sorozatunk.
Since 2020, Tony Wagner and Melissa Antunes de Menezes have run the label Tender Matter in Vienna, focusing on queer experimental music. We met to talk about how the label came to be, the motivation of their artistic practice and challenges independent promoters are facing in Vienna at the moment.
The release of ssolve’s recent debut marks his transition from up-and-comer in the cookie cutter mill of the German rap industry, to a genre-less experimental producer pouring everything, from gqom riddims to guttural black metal screams, into his unpredictable and expansive music.
Sound artist KMRU aka Joseph Kamaru took the time to talk about his relationship with installations, following his participation in “Oceanic Refractions” at CTM Festival 2024, and how his praxis of field recording has been shifting through emancipatory notions of calmness.
Nosedrip, to me, is one of the most interesting characters in the electronic music sphere. He’s not only a top-notch selector, but one with an honorable quest of digging out the records of the past that flew under the radar, were somehow forgotten or left behind, and giving them...
We took a trip to Ghosttown with the Viennese bunch, Dario (Rompa) and Paul (Brootworth), to get to know them better before we welcome them in Budapest.
TRPPN is not only a map for events, it aims to create a new type of community, and even revenue for artists.
Superskin Budapesten ha jól emlékszem utoljára egy Noise ‘n Roses házibulin lépett fel még tavaly ősszel valamikor. “Opium dub”, így illeti a saját zenéjét, legalábbis egy két évvel ezelőttit, a Baba Vangán. Ez a trekk, a Rear Window, ha minden igaz még korábbról származik, de csak most jelent meg pár...
A Hyperreality egy négynapos elektronikus zenei fesztivál Bécsben. Idén először. A helyszín egy vár volt, nem messze a bécsi főtemetőtől, kicsit kiesik, de nagyon finom a bodza illat. A rendező a százéves (tényleg, majdnem) Wiener Festwochen, úgyhogy nem sikerülhetett túl “hippire” a dolog, viszont volt miből sikerülnie. Három terem volt,...